Tuesday, September 18, 2012

To look forward to what will be

I try to keep my mind from dreaming,
For I am afraid of what I'll see.
Scared of the truth, the cuts of memory,
I'm hiding from what has become of me.

Blissful blooming years passed by,
Blissfully burning down my mind.
What was left of a dream faded black,
A meagre mirage if faith was left to find.

All the memories we held so close,
Were lost in the ruins of the bloom.
To think it all happened before I passed,
Is a loss of time and thought.

To be and do what we were meant to,
Is to forget what was,
To live what is,
And to look forward to what will be.

Much can happen in a moment,
The sum of happiness in our lives,
The measure of sadness in our souls,
Can all be just a moment.

The flutter of wings of a soulful butterfly,
The blink of a teary eye,
The beat of a broken heart,
So small but yet so strong.

The swayed thoughts of a sunken man,
The disturbed nights he's kept awake,
Account for his fortune and fate.
For with more the pleasure comes more the pain.

We tend to do what we don't fear.
We never dare venture into the unknown,
For we can never know what’s far or near.
This is how we were sown.

Never to question what we don't understand,
Never to stand against what isn't in our hand,
Never to believe that what is to come,
Depends on what is.

And to live without that fear,
Is to forget what was,
To live what is,
And to look forward to what will be.

-Syed Salik Basharat, 1st year